Selections Price SP Selections Price SP
1   Pacific General   SP 6   Diamond Ring   SP
2   Great Command   SP 7   Takhi   SP
3   The Shadow   SP 8   Happy Friday   SP
4   Hey Boss   SP 9   Angel Baby   SP
5   Wins Eight   SP    

Selections Price SP Selections Price SP
1   King's Gambit   SP 5   My Determination   SP
2   Vittoria Perfetta   SP 6   Southern Speed   SP
3   Smoke And Mirrors   SP 7   Tantheman   SP
4   The Wild Fire   SP    

Selections Price SP Selections Price SP
1   Boss Phan   SP 5   Elliot Ness   SP
2   Surrey Hills   SP 6   Pacific Angel   SP
3   Lucky Baby   SP 7   July   SP
4   Pacific Commander   SP 8   Paletas   (Non-Runner)

Selections Price SP Selections Price SP
1   Ghalib   SP 4   Big Hearted   SP
2   Makin   SP 5   Major King   SP
3   Pacific Vampire   SP 6   Big Union   SP

Selections Price SP Selections Price SP
1   Spieth Heroine   SP 7   Shihab   SP
2   Ben's Champion   SP 8   Rook's Gambit   SP
3   The Wild Chief   SP 9   Khao Manee   SP
4   Kinabalu Light   SP 10   Wan Legacy   SP
5   Pacific Beauty   SP 11   Kota Ranger   SP
6   Empowering   SP 12   Two Million   SP

Selections Price SP Selections Price SP
1   Songgong Hera   SP 5   Pacific Hero   SP
2   Filial Dragon   SP 6   Maze   SP
3   War Star   SP 7   Boomba   SP
4   Pacific Atlantic   SP 8   Flying Fighter   SP

Selections Price SP Selections Price SP
1   Fearless Warrior   SP 6   Boss Nine Nine   SP
2   Red Maned   SP 7   Healthy Baby   SP
3   Salamence   SP 8   Master Player   SP
4   Compelling   SP 9   Awesome Conqueror   SP
5   Wait U Know   SP    

Selections Price SP Selections Price SP
1   Qaraat   SP 6   Captain Singapore   SP
2   Fast And Fearless   SP 7   Delilah   SP
3   Lucky Hero   SP 8   Commander Jones   SP
4   Pacific Charm   SP 9   Smart Gambit   SP
5   Pacific Sonic   SP    

Selections Price SP Selections Price SP
1   Great Warrior   SP 6   Nimbus Cloud   SP
2   Galaxy Bar   SP 7   Onemorefortheroad   SP
3   Lim's Puncak Jaya   SP 8   Screen Shot   SP
4   Lim's Smythe   SP 9   Pacific Star   SP
5   Pacific Bao Bei   SP 10   Rocky   SP

Selections Price SP Selections Price SP
1   Wins One   SP 7   Hasten   SP
2   Stop The Water   SP 8   Per Incrown   SP
3   Pacific Victory   SP 9   Sousui   SP
4   Charminton   SP 10   Free And Happy   SP
5   Pacific Gold   SP 11   Amazing Breeze   SP
6   Rubik Kid   SP 12   Colonel Son   SP

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